Track Listing
- Taste Of Steel
- Way Cool
- Swing Shift
- Three Clouds Across The Moon
- Sante Fe Horizon
- Swizzle Stick
- Gladhands
- One Look
- Key Chain
- Veronica’s Blue Waltz
- Mr. Bebop
- A Theory Of Relativity
I love fusion. It is the most natural of occurrences. East coast bop & west coast groove shifts naturally into ‘swing’ time: melody pushes along on top, gently propelling the quintet. The Swing Shift starts at twilight and goes to midnight – the sunset sky turns from daylight blue to golden to red to purple to blue to starry black.
For Emmett, it seems, fusion is the most natural of occurrences. Emmett’s work on this album earned him a Canadian Smooth Jazz Guitarist of the Year Award – he even got to hug one of his idols, George Benson.