Originally posted Nov. 9 2009
Written by Tracey Lukasik
Part 1 of 3
Parts 2 & 3 available following clip or visit backstageaxxess.com
There’s no arguing that Rik Emmett is a busy guy, not to mention a versatile and talented one.
Tour dates are booked for his latest project, P.R.O, featuring Greek guitarist Pavlo and Latin guitar sensation Oscar Lopez. The first offering from the trio was released October 27, fittingly titled “Trifecta.” Concurrent with recording and touring with Dave Dunlop in the “Strung-Out Troubadours,” a jazz duo who have three successful records to date, he hosts several musician workshops, teaches and lends time to several charity events. Yet, he still manages to set aside time to watch sports, play with the dog, and spend quality hours with his family and friends.
I had the honor of shooting the breeze with the incredible Mr. E when he rocketed through town last month to play a set of Triumph classics for his home-away-from hometown crowd near Buffalo, NY. Join us as we touch on a range of topics including (but not limited to): A Triumph reunion tour -will they or won’t they? Just how did he hook up with the guys in P.R.O? What are the effects of a slippery leather sofa on interviewer and interviewee plus, enjoy a passionate sports commentary by Rik and much, more more!
Tracey and Backstageaxxess.com would like to personally thank Rick Wharton and Dave Dunlop for being two wild and crazy guys and for setting up the interview. As well as, “Coop” and staff of the Seneca Niagara Casino for always being so accommodating and taking care of us.
Finally, an extra special thank you to Mr. Rik Emmett, my eternal inspiration who continues to touch my soul through his song!